Snapping South East Asia

Asia. The very word evokes the essential travel-guide images of paradise-worthy beaches, bustling markets and as much seafood you could possibly want. But during the month that I was there, I found that this little neck of the world was about more than these things. While the beaches were a welcome bonus, it was the people that called these places their home that truly struck me as beautiful. Their smiles, their undying sense of humour and the dignity with which they live their lives even in less than ideal situations is something to aspire to. Their culture may differ from ours, but I believe that, if upon your travels, you look hard enough and make that effort to abolish judgememnts and pre-conceived notions of what is right and wrong, then you will truly get the essence of the place that is gracious enough to let you be its guest.


In Cambodia and Thailand, while their were some cultural shocks (such as the amount of litter that invaded every public space, as well as the number of Western men courting young Asian ladies-fondly doted ‘Top Decks’ by The Boy), there were also some beautiful moments and beautiful people. Even the hostels which we stayed at, the owners were so gracious and so welcoming that it truly felt like a second home. Meeting other travellers, having barbeques on the near-deserted beaches and playing frisbee with the local kids – it is these experiences that I treaure most from this trip. Hopefully the photos below do the place some justice 😉 












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